Upscaling 8 - Difficult Choices
A #startup business will run after every potential prospect and grab every opportunity. A #scaleup is inclined to do the same, when it shouldn't. To be successful a scale-up needs to make difficult decisions and have the courage, wisdom, and clarity to know when to say "NO".

I have witnessed how difficult this is; the change in mindset from running after everything and anything in order to keep cashflow going and survive, towards having clarity of the long-term strategy and knowing when to say "NO".
Being able to say “Yes this is a great idea, it could bring in sales, BUT "NO" this does not fit our long-term strategy” is difficult. Especially for those who were part of the early start-up phase. In the end it’s about building a strong brand, with (a) defined product(s) and service(s). Saying yes to everything will damage the brand and make business operations costly and complex.