Upscaling 3 - Don't get slowed down by growing too fast
It is a common problem that while you are in the middle of a #hiring drive, the individual performance of your employees will suffer. To avoid this, you sometimes need the courage to put on the brakes (temporarily) and ensure that the infrastructure, your processes, culture, and resources don’t evolve disproportionately from one another with the risk of being completely out of balance from one another.
Upscaling means evolution, change and transition in all areas of the organisation. If ever the picture of a symphony orchestra composed of various musical instruments would be a relevant portrayal of managing complexity….
Like an orchestra needs a maestro, a scale up organisation needs strong #leadership that has the courage to slow down in order to grow fast. The objective is to grow as a team, a business, an orchestra. If every player just randomly plays his/her own perfect piece of music, they will not deliver and grow as a team. Understanding when to go fast, when to go slow, when to step forward, when to step back, is hugely important in order to grow successfully as a business.